LULU-100 "If you can put up with it, you can insert it w" !! On the verge of an outburst! !! Gaman juice slapstick! !! I endured the terrible tech of my playhood friend who became a spear man even though I liked it for a long time and entered th

LULU-100 2021-10-02 2:40:06

Video description

I heard a rumor that my childhood friend became a college student and became a spear man, and I met again to confirm the truth. When I made a confession, I was secretly thinking about it, and the word that came out was, "If you can put up with it, you can insert it." … Seriously? Certainly it was a spear man ... I put up with my childhood friend's super dangerous tech and the long-awaited reward insertion was too comfortable and I ejaculated many times. From that day, I entered a flirting life with my childhood friend who liked my childhood friend!

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